This page is a list of links to web sites where you can download useful programs.There is also a brief acription of what each one does.The various software tools below can be used to remove viruses, create music, play video files, browse the Web, compress files and more. A d-Aware - spyware remover
A dobe Reader - read PDF files
A udacity - sound editor
A utoReplace - replace text in multiple files
A VG - anti-virus
B uzz - music creation program
C offee Cup Free FTP - FTP program
D ivX Player - play DivX media files
D osBox - DOS emulator
E xtract Now - Zip/archive handler
F ileZilla - FTP program
G IMP - image editing
H TMLKit - HTML tools
I CQ - messaging tool
I rfanView - image browsing/conversion
K eyNote - notepad and information manager
M edia Player Classic - play music and video files
M onkey's Audio - lossless audio compressor
M ozilla Firefox - web browser
N otepad++ - Notepad replacement
O pen Office - Microsoft Office alternative
O pera - web browser
R azorLAME - mp3 encoder
S amurize - desktop enhancements
S pybot - spyware remover
W inamp - media player
W inRAR - RAR archive handler
W inZip - Zip archive handler
Z oneAlarm - Firewall software
Are you want to download these software..?search this soft wares in search engine
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